Total Annihilation Forever
The Community Driven Lobby for Total Annihilation
Currently hosting 0 players and running 0 games
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Total Annihilation Forever is a project designed to facilitate online play for Total Annihilation. It is forked from the Forged Alliance Forever project, includes at this time chat, matchmaking and player rating.
If you want to experience Total Annihilation in its true glory together with other players of all skill levels, TAF is the place to be.
Host and join teamgames with up to 10 players simultaneously or measure your skill against others in one versus one combat against players from all over the world.

Meet casual to competitive gamers. Total Annihilation has a community of die hard players still looking for regular games after more than 20 yrs and are more than happy to welcome new players and returning old players alike.
Compete against some of the top players in TA.

What is Total Annihilation?

Arm Verus Core Infinite War
What began as a conflict over the transfer of conciousness from flesh to machines quickly escalated into a war which has decimated a million worlds

Original and Best Gameplay
Use the right tool for the right job

Genre-Defining Command & Control
Control a brutal army of relentless robots to ensure the Total Annihilation of your opponent in the ground breaking RTS that redefined the genre
We are international
Check out where the players are from:
In order to play Total Annihilation, you must first have a copy installed on your computer. You can purchase it for less than 10€, below:
Open source licenses
The TA Forever lobby client is packaged for your convenience using the Install4J multi-platform installer builder

TA Forever is optimised using the JProfiler java profiler so that you have more CPU cycles left to play TA